My Weblog of Thought
Week 1 Online Journal Again!

This week has definitely been interesting. I wasn't sure exactly what to expect this year. I had all kinds of questions running through my head such as…Will this semester be hard? Will I adjust after being at home (in Greenbrier County),Will I stay on task? Will I be stressed out? Will I survive!?

On Monday, I was so busy trying to buy my books, begging for a computer, unpacking, cleaning, going to class, and seeing friends that I hadn’t seen in 3 and ½ months that I couldn’t keep my head on straight. On top of that, I was still in a vegetative state. I believe that most of that came from habit that I had picked up from my summer job. It didn’t really require a whole lot of thinking. I really just didn’t have any clue about what was going on. I had not gotten my system down. The biggest problems were that my sleep pattern was messed up and I just wasn’t organized for my classes yet. By the time the week came to a close the only thing I knew about my classes was that I was going to have to do a lot of work( that one is a given, isn’t it!) and that I had to do a lot of observations. That’s…about…it!

On Thursday night, I finally decided that I had to get some things done! I set down and figured out what notebooks went with which class, (Yes, I hadn’t even figured that one out!) and what kind of work I had to do for each class. I thought , Oh boy, this one is going to be a toughie! I was also worried because I felt like I had gotten off on the wrong foot. I decided that this semester I am NOT going to procrastinate! I am going to continue doing my work everyday bit by bit. Last semester, I had a terrible time with stress. I figured that if I didn’t wait until the last minute to do everything then that would be a big stress reliever. I also decided that I’m going to give myself time to do whatever I want, whether it just be down time or having fun with my friends.

Although I really hadn’t pulled myself together this week, I do feel enthusiastic about this semester. I’m ready to get things done. I’m so excited to be in this program. Speech therapy just seems to be fun and I want to learn more about it. I know that it is going to take some time for everything to come together so I’ve decided to just set back and be patient. I was just thinking about a church camp that I attended this weekend. There was a youth pastor giving a small sermon about what kind of goals that you want to reach. He asked us to think of a goal that we want to accomplish, and I immediately came up with one. I want to see and hear and child say an error sound correct. I think that would be so amazing to get to feel that kind of joy, knowing that I had a hand in helping that child. So with that on mind, I say, let’s get this party started! I believe I’m going to survive.

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Week 1 Blog

I don't really know what to write about right now in my journal so I'm just going to write about whatever comes to my mind. So far, this semester I am still in the dazed, relaxed summer phase. All the work that I am going to be doing hasn't hit me yet. Last year at this time, I was totally stressed. This summer I have made up my mind that I am NOT going to be stressed out like I was last year. All it did was make me unhappy and unhealthy. The only thing I can do is work hard and get things done. I'm going to pace myself and attempt to not wait until the last minute. I have a terrible habit called procrastination.

OK, right now it is hard to think because all I can think about is this harsh perfume that someone is wearing here in the library. It is so strong that I am getting a massive headache. On that note, I think I am just going to end my journal entry now.

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