My Weblog of Thought
Friday, 27. September 2002
Project Prospectus

Research Question and Foundation Questions:
What are some possible causes of dysphagia and what are some diets and techniques that can be used to make clients feel more comfortable?

What are the steps of a swallowing evaluation and diagnosis?

What are the different types of diet for clients with dysphagia?

What are different techniques that could be used in order to make swallowing easier with or without diet change?

How can I better understand different causes for swallowing disorders?

What can I do that will better explain the disorder to the family and client and help them make the proper adjustments?

Tentative point: I want to provide information about what causes dysphagia and what parts of the swallowing phases could be effected. I know that there are different levels of diet for people with dysphagia. I am also aware of different techniques that someone with dysphagia can use to help make swallowing easier for them, such as a chin tuck. I want to learn more about dysphagia myself and I would like to help educate others on dysphagia.

As far as I am aware right now, the genres that I am going to include in my project are as follows:

poem – client voice
Powerpoint presentation
Interview – clinician and client voice
email exchange – client’s family voice
two journal entries (or a journal and a brochure) – clinician voice

I’m not sure if this is how this is supposed to go but I guess I can change it if not. I thought that I might use the poem to be the clients feeling and impressions of dysphagia, the interview would be the clinician and the client's point of view, the email exchange would be possible questions that they would ask the clinician (if I use the brochure, then I would let it be what the clinician gave to the family for the to get info. on dysphagia), and the two journal entries would be from the clinician's general thoughts about dysphagia and my projects particular client.


Cole-Arvin, Cynthis,Notich, Laura.(Jan 1994). Identifying and Managing Dysphagia. Nursing, p48, 2p Vol 24 Issue 1. Retrieved on September 30, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (Academic Search Elite) on the World Wide Web:

Tips from other journals.(Sept 1995). Dysphagia and Diet Alterations in Nursing Home Residents. American Family Physician, p187, 1/2p Vol 52 Issue 4. Retrieved on September 30, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (Academic Search Elite) on the World Wide Web:

Surveys Vital for Fair Reimbursement. (March 2002). ASHA Leader, p1, 2p Vol 7 Issue 5. Retrieved on September 30, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (Academic Search Elite) on the World Wide Web:

Rader, Tom; Rende, Barbara. (Jan 1998). Swallowing Disorders: What Families Should Know. Guides - Non-classroom Use, p18. Retrieved on September 28, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (ERIC #EC303007) on the World Wide Web:

Eibling, David E., Carrau, Ricardo L. (Jan 2001). Detection, Evaluation and Management of Aspiration in Rehabilitation Hospitals: Role of the Otolaryngologist. Journal of Otolaryngology, p235, 7p 1 chart, Vol 30, Issue 3. Retrieved on September 30, 2002,from EBSCOhost database (Psychology and Behavioral Sciences Collection) on the World Wide Web:

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