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Monday, 23. September 2002
Week 4 Online Journal
This week has not gone my way at all! I felt as if I was going to die. I couldn’t shake the unorganized feeling. The homework has begun to get worse. The only trouble that I had with CD 315 was trying to figure out how to do the webliography. I also decided that I wanted to change my topic for my research. At first, I wanted to learn more about phonological disorders (which is still an interest) but then I decided to do research on dysphagia. I have too many interests to just focus on one. There is so much to learn. The reason why I decided to do dysphagia for my research was because it was the first things that come to my mind when I began to think about the multigenre research project. I was talking to a lady in church on Sunday and we got into an in-depth discussion on dysphagia. She was telling me a story about someone that she knew that had a swallowing disorder. We were talking about how it was interesting that there were different diets and techniques that people with dysphagia could use to make swallowing more efficient. As far as the webliography, I had a little trouble thinking about what links that I want to put on it. I haven’t browsed the web out of curiosity for a long time. As I started to think about it, I had no idea what was out there anymore. One of my favorite sites to go to was so I decided to use that because I still love Disney. Another problem that I had was getting all of my URL links to work correctly. I couldn’t get some of them to turn blue. I figured I was doing something wrong. I looked over the instructions on how to make hyperlinks but I couldn’t find what I had done wrong, if anything. When I first began to look at the assignment and click on some of the other student’s examples, I thought that I was going to have to make my own web page. Which I may still have to but I have no idea how to do that yet. I’m taking it that we will get some type of instruction. As far as finding web sites, I just decided that I had to go searching. The week got better when Thursday evening rolled around. Too bad it was already the end of the week. I decided that there were other people who were having a lot more trouble than me. I decided that I should be thankful for what I have and the opportunities that have been given to me. Hopefully, things will only get better.
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