My Weblog of Thought
Sunday, 15. September 2002
Week 3 Online Journal

Doing my assignments for CD 315 this week wasn’t too difficult. There was a ton of reading! I thought I was never going to get finished. I did learn a lot of nifty things for email. I liked the websites on urban legends and smileys. I did have a small problem with subscribing to a mailing list.

When I was reading the directions I thought that when they said “subscribe “ that I was supposed to think of my own list name and then email it to mail serve. I guess I was just having one of my moments. So I emailed “subscribe subscribe cd 315-test-list” and it came back to me with a message saying that it didn’t exist. So then I thought, “OK, maybe I will just email a message only saying subscribe cd 315-test-list. I emailed that one and it *still* didn’t work. So after I read the directions over again I noticed that there was not a space between cd and 315. I finally emailed the mailserv the correct list name. I thought that it was so funny how that smallest thing like an extra space can mess the whole thing up.

If I learned anything about this weeks assignments, it would be to look closely at every address, username, or list name that I have to type into the computer. I now know to watch out for those spaces! Getting through the assignments this week wasn’t as trying as last week. It seemed like I couldn’t get anything accomplished last week. The questions that we had to answer on the class homepage wasn’t bad. Writing about myself wasn’t difficult or very time consuming. When it comes to reading articles or books and then writing about them is when I have to do the most thinking and analyzing. That can be expected. I figure it’s coming soon. Answering those questions on the class homepage was almost like a little stress reliever.

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