My Weblog of Thought
Sunday, 8. September 2002
Week 2 Online Journal

This week I was bound and determined to get some work done, begin studying the Bible and work on my newfound faith. I hadn’t really thought about my work until last Thursday, so I decided that I had to continue thinking about what I had to do to get class rolling.

The first thing that I had to do this week was find out what I was doing wrong with my lovely Weblog here. When I was able to read my email on Monday, I found that no one had received my email that contained my Weblog URL. I thought, “Oh No! That means that Mrs. McComas hasn’t even had a chance to read my first Weblog. What do I do?!” I thought for sure that I was going to get into trouble. (I just freak out a lot!) I decided that I was going to talk to her about what was going on. However, unbeknownst to me, there was another problem. . .

I went to see Mrs. McComas before one of my classes on Tuesday to explain how my email was messing up on me. As we began to talk, I figured out that no one could get into my Weblog but me. Great! Now what?! Mrs. McComas told me to make sure that I had made it public and then save it. The only thing that I could figure was that I hadn’t clicked save on the preferences. I later went to the lovely library to change it and what does it say when I put in my username and password, Maximum Thread count reached. I then got scared and changed computers and it said the same thing. My mind was telling me to be patient. I think that it was God calming me down because before, I probably would’ve been massively freaking out. That evening I finally got a chance to get my Weblog changed. I think that I am finally set to go.

The work that I had to complete for CD 315 was one of my big worries this week and it all turned out fine. I thought for sure that my work was going to be erased or I wasn’t going to get credit but it’s still all here and as far as I’m aware, I still received credit. I had a few bumps at the beginning but I think everything will be better. However, that still doesn’t change my mind about how time consuming this class is going to be. I think it will get more difficult but I have decided that I’m going to be patient and go harass Mrs. McComas if I need help. I really believe that God will help me this semester and I’m going to trust Him and do what He wants me to do.

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