My Weblog of Thought
Monday, 25. November 2002
Week 13 Online Journal

I'm so excited we only have 3 weeks until the end of the semester and then only 2 days until Thanksgivivng Break. Whoo hoo!!!

To start off, I had a terrible time trying to figure out how I wanted my Weblog formatted and how to get color on it. When I tried to get to the color through the preferences a message came up that said something about Debugging. I still have no idea what that means. It seemed like my computer was almost freezing up too. It would get stuck on a page and then I couldn't close it. I don't know!!! Anyway, Heather Perdue showed me how I could look up the HTML codes on the internet. I wish I had thought about that! ;-) Needless to say, now I have color.

The peer responder assignment really made me think. Man, when I was looking through the peer responses that I had done for my group members, I thought "I haven't really given them any good information at all!" I only told them things that they probably already knew. I decided that I should spend more time thinking about how I can help them revise and not just editing information. There is probably much more that I could do. Well, actually, I know that there is a whole lot more I could do.

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November 2002
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