My Weblog of Thought |
Sunday, 13. October 2002
Week 7 Online Journal
Wow! This week was a real eye-opener. I'll admit that I didn't even know that Week seven's assignments were due on October 13th until Tuesday night. I was on homework strike until Kelly informed me of the news. Needless to say, the strike was over. So I was faced with doing two weeks assignments in a week. Oh boy! But it was OK, it was my fault that I had put it off. It kinda felt good though to take a few days off last week. :) This week I had to really concentrate on getting a couple of my genres completed. The poem wasn't as difficult as I thought that it would be. I think that they are OK. I say "they" because I wrote two and I can't decide which one I like better. I think I may go with the "I am" poem. When I looked up the directions for the poems, I was relieved because all I had to do was follow the instructions on what type of words to fill in. I'm still in the process of finding information for my topic. I went with an SLP, LJ Fauber, here at home on Friday and she gave me all kinds of information on Dysphagia. She works with quite a few of patients with dysphagia so I figured that she could help me out. I figured that maybe I could tie in some of that information with the information that I find on the internet. I'll probably start putting all of this information together on the powerpoint presentation. Of course, I will also have to use the information in my other genres also. I can't believe that the semester is half over. This is nuts! It's amazing how time flies when you have so much to do that you don't know what to do with yourself and then you feel like you haven't done enough. Before ya know it, there is no more time left!I'm looking forward to semester break already. :) After completing all of this work, I think it will feel very satisfying. ... Link |
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