My Weblog of Thought |
Monday, 11. November 2002
Ferrand, C. T. and Bloom, R. L. (1997). Introduction to Organic and Neurogenic Disorders of Communication: Current Scope of Practice. Needham Heights, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Kavanaugh, K. M. (March 1996). Adapt feeding strategies to alleviate swallowing problems. Brown University Long-Term Care Letter, p4, Volume 8 Issue 5. Retrieved on October 9, 2002 from EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite on the World Wide Web: Palmer, J. B. (April 2000). Evaluation and Treatment of Swallowing Impairments. American Family Physician, Vol. 61 Issue 8, p2453, 10p. Retrieved on October 9, 2002 from EBSCOhost Academic Search Elite on the World Wide Web: Rader, Tom; Rende, Barbara. (Jan 1998). Swallowing Disorders: What Families Should Know. Guides - Non-classroom Use, p18. Retrieved on September 28, 2002, from EBSCOhost database (ERIC #EC303007) on the World Wide Web: Searle, J. Eating and Swallowing. Retrieved on September 29, 2002 from
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