My Weblog of Thought
Sunday, 3. November 2002

This is an interview that I (the clinician) conducted with the patient/caregiver. I first wanted to see how aware Peggy was of her swallowing disorder. Then I wanted to get an idea about her food and liquid preferences, her rate and amount of food/liquid intake and her previous style of eating.

Clinician: Do you have trouble swallowing?
Client: Yes, I get choked a lot. It has become a struggle to enjoy food.

Clinician: What kinds of foods do you have trouble swallowing? Food, liquids, or pills?
Client: I have trouble with food, liquids, and taking my medicine. It's hard to take my medicine because I have trouble swallowing liquids.

Clinician: What kinds of foods are you eating now?
Client: I have been eating vegetables, meat, desserts, milk, and coffee

Clinician: Do you eat hard vegetables? Do you have to cut up your own meat?
Client: I eat cooked vegetables and my meat is cut up in small pieces. My daughter usually comes and helps me at breakfast and dinner. She cuts my meat up for me.

Clinician: OK, that's good. What kinds of desserts do you eat?
Client: I eat pudding, cake, pie, and ice cream.

Clinician: Are any of those difficult for you?
Client: I usually have to have my pieces of pie or cake cut up into small pieces.

Clinician: Which beverage is the easiest for you to drink? Coffee or milk?
Client: I get a little choked more when I drink coffee.

Clinician: OK. Mrs. Hersman, how long have you had trouble swallowing?
Client: Oh, I don't know, about a couple of months.

Clinician: So, you mainly cough when you swallow things such as meat and thinner liquids such as coffee and soda?
Client: Yes, I have trouble with those.

Clinician: Mrs. Hersman, are you a fast or slow eater?
Client: I eat fast. I try to get done before my daughter has to leave. I like to visit with her a little.

Clinician: How much of the food do you eat each time you have a meal? None, less than half, more than half, all of it?
Client: I would say that I eat over half.

Clinician: Do you prefer to eat alone?
Client: No, I like it when my daughter is here. She keeps me company.

Clinician: So, I guess that you like to socialize with others when you eat?
Client: Yes

Clinician: OK, Mrs. Hersman, you should watch that. It's fine to talk and visit with your daughter but you should concentrate more on eating. If you get carried away and eat too fast then you could increase your risk of getting choked. Do you get choked more when you eat fast?
Client: I do.

Clinician: OK,you should slow down a little. Usually when people eat fast they tend to choke more often. You should also watch and make sure that you keep your head up when you eat because that will help you swallow also.
Client: OK, thank you. You may want to tell my daughter to help me because sometimes I forget.

Clinician: OK, I'll do that. I was going to meet with her anyway so I could tell her what kind of things she can do to help you. Another thing, that's really good that your daughter does help you by chopping up your food for you. I'm glad that she is here with you. Are you by yourself when she isn't here?
Client: Yes. most of the time. Sometimes I go to the cafeteria.

Clinician: Does anyone set with you in the cafeteria?
Client: Sometimes.

Clinician: OK, I'm going to see what I can do to help you feel more comfortable. I will see if I can't get someone to sit with you when you eat and I will make sure that the nursing staff is giving you the correct foods.
Client: OK, thank you.

Clinician: Thank you Mrs. Hersman. I'll see you tomorrow.
Client: Bye bye dear.

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