My Weblog of Thought
Monday, 28. October 2002
Email Exchange

Date: 11-17-02
From: Elizabeth Hersman
Subject: Information

Hello Ms. Boothe! This is Elizabeth Hersman, Peggy Masters daughter. I was just writing to see if I could talk to you and get some information on mom's swallowing disorder. My family and I just found out last week and it is a whole new thing to me. I have no idea what to do or what to look for. If you could meet with me and let me know what I can do, it would be so helpful. Let me know as soon as possible. Thank you so much.


Date: 11-17-02
From: Kara Boothe
Subject: Schedule

Hello Elizabeth! I think that it would be a great idea if we got together to discuss a few things. You will play a big role with helping your mom. You will need to know what to do to help and I will be here to answer any questions that you have. I'm not sure when you are available so here is a schedule of when I can meet with you:
Monday and Wednesday at 3:30-5:00
Tuesday 2:00-4:00
Thursday 4:00-5:30

If you aren't available at an of these times, just let me know and maybe I can do some schedule changing. Some things that you can think of now is to watch and make sure she doesn't get choked. If she does call the nurse as soon as possible. Make sure that you cut up her food in small pieces so she can eat them with ease. Watch and make sure that she is setting up when she eats and make sure that her head is tilted up. Doing these things often help with swallowing. Since your mom is on mechanical soft foods, you can make sure that she doesn't eat anything like nuts or tough meat.

I hope that some of this will help you. I'll bring some brochures that will possibly help clarify any questions. Bring any questions or information that you may have. Thank you for being so interested and I hope to see you soon.

Kara Boothe

PS - I am having an inservice meeting with the staff at the nursing home about dysphagia. It will be a short powerpoint presentation. You are more than welcome to attend.

Date: 11-18-02
From: Elizabeth Hersman
Subject: Thank you

Ms. Boothe,
I can meet with you Tuesday at 2:00. Since mom can only eat mechanical soft foods. I was wondering if you could bring a list of foods that mom could eat? I'm not totally positive on what I can fix when mom is with me. I also need to make sure she doesn't eat anything that she shouldn't at the nursing home. Thanks for writing back. See ya soon!

Elizabeth Hersman

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