My Weblog of Thought
Monday, 23. September 2002

My Personal Preferences

I am a true Disney lover, I can’t really choose which cartoon or character is my favorite but if I had to pick, it would be Tigger and Lilo and Stitch .

I feel like I am a country person. I like the quiet, comfortable setting that I get, it almost reminds me of home. I enjoy visiting the country .

My boyfriend, Ben, has some extraordinary parents. They are missionaries in Papua New Guinea. His dad is a flight instructor and his mom is a teacher. They are currently trying to raise money to buy a plane for their mission. My family and I are helping them sell baskets through the Eagles Wings Education and Aviation Ministries.

Professional Interests

As I pursue my future career in Speech-Language Pathology, ASHA will play a major part. As I finish school and begin practicing, I will be accredited through ASHA. They will be a good reference for me and a good source of information in order to keep my practice updated.

I have to give credit to my professors and future professional collaborators. I couldn’t have gotten this far without the Communication Disorders professors.

Research Resources

For my multigenre research project, I decided that I was going to look up information on dysphagia. Although I have many interests in the field of communication disorders, I thought that dysphagia was intriguing. I would like to learn techniques and diets to help make clients more comfortable with swallowing. I would also like to know how to help teach the client and their family get situated with the issue.

Fun Stuff

Let me tell everyone who I think is a HOTTIE! Vin Diesel is the dream world love of my life. What a babe! I'm so excited to see his new movie, Knock Around Guys, coming out in theaters on October 11, 2002.

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Last modified: 2/18/03, 4:00 AM
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